Our blog opens with an in-depth sounding of the first 250 years of the First 1000 Years of Islam, with a focus on 'Aisha, a wife of the Prophet Muhammad, presented by Lindsay Davey, and Rabi'a Al-Adawiyya, a renunciant and mystic, presented by Shari Garrett.
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Miniature of Mohammed and his wife Aisha freeing the daughter of a tribal chief. |
A’isha of Mecca was born in either 613 or 614 BCE. She was known as one of the ‘mothers of the believers’ and plays an important role in the beginning of Islam. Some of her life accounts can be observed as a role that was not expected of women at during this time period. There is not much documented about the early women of Islam because gender roles were strongly followed at the time. During this era in Arabia, most women’s business only regarded that which took place in the home, but this is not the role that ‘A’isha is remembered for. A’isha was not one to stick to the gendered expectations of that time and place.
The reasons for the disapproval of this marriage is first due to the age in which they were married. A’isha married Muhammad becoming his wife at the age six or seven, and the marriage was consummated by the time that she was the age of nine or ten. “Naturally both her age and the age disparity are grist for the mill of modern-day Islamophobes, who would have it that Muhammad was a monstrous Pedophile.” (Robinson, 39) For those who wrote the accounts of their marriage, their age disparity was of little concern, especially for this age. This arranged marriage was one of the few accounts in her life that A’isha was representing women’s roles during the seventh century.
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16th century Turkish miniature of Abu Bakr, father of A'isha, with the Prophet Muhammad |
Approximately six or seven years into her marriage with Muhammad, A’isha was accused of adultery, this later became known as the ‘Account of the Lie’. Denise Spellberg explains in her article “The Accusations of Adultery and Communal Debate” that the rumors began on the journey in which A’isha accompanied Muhammad on one of his raids. According to the accusations, she was left behind by the caravan on their return to Medina when it was assumed that she was in her covered carrier, when in fact she was not. Her return to the caravan was delayed, which she later explained, as a result of her looking for a misplaced necklace. A’isha was stranded alone in the desert until a young Muslim man rescued her. Upon their return, those who surrounded Muhammad and A’isha made claims that she had been disloyal to her husband with her rescuer. “The rumors about A’isha nearly undermined the fragile cohesion of the first Islamic society at Medina as the rival tribes of Aws and Khazraj, both of whom had accepted Muhammad’s leadership, accused each other of starting the rumors about the Prophets wife.” (Spellberg, 69) There many accounts that were written after this incident that suggest that these lies were passed on as an attempt to compromise Muhammad’s authority.
Although Muhammad was unsure of the accusations, he had little faith in A’isha and requested that she repent. With no one in her defense, not even her parents, A’isha refused to repent for what she had not done. She denied the claims but was also aware where her voice stood as a women of her time. “She will not lie to suit liars, but she also realizes that her own truthful words do not provide either a believable or adequate defense of her innocence.” (Spellberg, 71) The resistance to repent for something that she did not do shows the strength of A’isha. During that time period, a woman’s word would not have stood for anything and the best thing for her to do would be what was requested of her by the prophet. Days after her resistance to admit to the offense that were accused of her, God sent a revelation to Muhammad where he discovered A’isha’s innocence and condemned those who were a part the accusations. Muhammad then punished those who were responsible for the spreading of the false rumors. This is a clear representation of the values in honor and shame of that time.
After the death of Muhammed in 632 CE, there is little
written about A’isha for more than two decades.
She finally reappears in history in an event that marked an important
period on the timeline of Islam. In 656
CE, A’isha led 1,000 men in the ‘Battle of the Camel’ in southern Iraq. In this battle, she was accompanied by
companions of the prophet in their mission to avenge the death of the
assassinated caliph ‘Uthman. Although
the battle was not a victory for A’isha and her followers, it is an important
part of Islam’s history. “The Battle of
the Camel came to be seen as the pivotal moment in the first civil war of
Islam, which was itself a turning point: the primordial Islam of Muhammad and
his original community had come to an end….” (Robinson, 40) After the battle, A’isha lived out the rest
of her life quietly until her death in 678 CE.
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16th century miniature of A'isha in the Battle of the Camel |
In summary, A’isha lived a life unlike the other women of her time. She was arranged to marry a profit at the young age of six, she went on to stand strong for herself when everyone had doubted her loyalty, and she had the courage to lead 1,000 men in what is known as the first Civil War of Islam. Robinson quotes Sherry Jones, writer of two historical novels about ‘A’isha, with a positive conclusion, “Whatever your opinion of A’isha, she remains larger than life, an unforgettable heroine who spoke her mind, followed her heart, loved her God, and won a place in her community and in history as the Mother of the Believers.” (Robinson, 41) The ways in which she broke through the expected gender roles of her time is part of the reason why she is remembered as an important figure in the early years of Islam.
Works Cited
Chase F. Islamic Civilization in Thirty Lives. N.p.: U Of California, 2016. Print.
Denise. "Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past: The Legacy of `A'isha
Bakr." Choice Reviews Online 33.02 (1995): n. pag. Web.